Trumpets Are Blowing

     Do you enjoy the humming birds?  An advertisement came in the mail announcing a way to attract the humming birds to your yard. 









Of course trumpet vines were new to us but we thought it would be great to see the humming birds come to the yard so we could see them better.  The order was sent and sure enough there came a package with two little stubby roots. 






     We waited for those wonderful trumpets to come on the vines but none showed up.  Then we learned that trumpet vines take eight years before they even produce one trumpet. 













So we had to put on our waiting caps and just watch these plants put out their wonderfully designed leaves for eight years.  So it happened that after eight years the delightful sight showed up and we were awed and amazed again with God’s creations and His great imagination.  The humming birds love it as they dash from trumpet to trumpet and Zoom past our heads.

     There are many other things that are attracted to the trumpet vine.  The ants and the earwigs are crawling in and out of these beauties as well as all kinds of bees love the nectar and pollen.  They can grow a long pod after the flower dies but not many of them mature.  They can get quite long sometimes about five or more inches long.














     Each year around the trumpet vine you will see many offspring shooting through the ground to produce many more little trumpet vines.  If anyone would like a trumpet vine, come and help yourself to them.

     One year a robin had her nest in the top of the trumpet vine so we could watch the birds.

     Another year a pair of cedar waxwings had their family in the top of the trumpet vine.  As they grew it was a delight to watch the whole family flit about.  One day when the sprinkler was going near the little spruce trees the cedar waxwing family came and they were all playing in the sprinkler.























                                               Trumpet vine pod.













    "Will you send me one of my straw hats by Frank Patten? If you 

     could dry a few peony roots and let her take them in her trunk, and 

     send a few slips of Queen of Prairie and a few choice seeds, as 

     summer greens and pansy seeds, I should like some of these things 

     so much. Send me verbena seeds. . . . [From] our old place in the 

     field which we sold, I wish you could send a slip of snowballs and 

     a trumpet vine. These would take but little space and if you could 

     send them I could have something new here which they have not." 

     --Letter 61, 1876.  7MR 282