Carrot Flowers


















Carrot leaves 












     The lush leaves of the carrots are a familiar item in most gardens, but not often do you see the flowers this flower grows the next year on a very tall stalk.  They can get to be a nice round doily that looks lacy enough to put on the table.  And they are beautiful in the vase on the dinner table as well as mixed with other colors and flowers. 









     Why did the Lord make the flower white and lacy and the root a bright orange and stubby or stalky and so sweet?  There are not many that do not enjoy this wonderful vegetable.









 "The January number of the Strand Magazine contains an interesting account of in interview with a celebrated bear trainer, Mr. Permane, from which we take the following interesting item:-  

"There is one thing about which the public at large seem to be under a wrong impression, and this I should like correct," added Mr. Permane. "Bears are herbivorous, not carnivorous. They will attack either animal or man only after a somewhat protracted fast. There is, therefore, no necessity for giving bears any meat whatever.  

"Wherever I go," says Mr. Permane, "I am always besieged by the local butcher offering to provide me with the necessary meat and bones for my bears, and when I send him away, telling him that I only give them carrots and bread, he departs with a knowing wink, and probably imagines that I am utterly mistaken as to the food I ought to provide for my four-footed friends."  

It is a common notion that it is necessary to consume a good quantity of "butcher's meat" daily, in order to be strong but we doubt if there are many flesh eaters who would like to try a wrestling match with a vegetarian bear of equal weight."

 January 18, 1900 EJW, PTUK 48 



   "We are glad to be able to report that we have made a trial of our land, and we can testify to the fact that false witness has been borne of it. Though it was very late last year when our vegetables were planted, and though we had no rain except a few showers from March to October, yet the yield of squashes, melons, peas, beans, cucumbers, carrots, and tomatoes has been excellent. Our orchards also are doing very well. The coming season we hope the crops will do much better. Quite a space of land has been cleared, and the vegetables will be planted earlier. Our second crop of peas is now up, and the potatoes we have planted are up and doing well. We are all convinced that this is the place where we should locate.   

     We have been favored in getting this land, but we have other interests here, beside which everything of a temporal character sinks into insignificance. The Lord has precious souls in this place, scattered through the bush, by the lakeside, and in the little farms in the woods. The Lord loves these souls, and desires that they shall be saved." 


21MR 6 

 What vegetables afford the purest aliment?  

The seeds are wheat, oats, barley, rye, rice, Indian-corn, peas, beans, and various kinds of nuts. Among the roots are the potato, turnip, carrot, beet, parsnip, artichoke, etc. Onions, leeks, asparagus, cabbage, and many other leaves, are considered wholesome. 

1868 JNL, HBH 193 


"Carrots may be boiled, stewed, or browned, in the same manner as parsneps. When stewed they are a favorite dish with many persons."

1865 JW, HHTL 49



"Numerous experiments are now being made to find some article that shall serve as a substitute for coffee. Carrots, cut in slices and dried, rye, wheat and barley, are named; but, we believe, the best and healthiest is pure cold water - nature's own beverage. The use of coffee has become so common that it will be difficult for some time, to learn to do without it; but we believe that mankind would be better off and healthier if the use of coffee were banished entirely. That it is injurious to health, as a general thing, we entertain no doubt; that it is a heavy expense to a family, without conferring any real benefit, but rather a positive injury, we are equally convinced. If the present crisis shall result in doing away almost entirely its use, a positive blessing will be conferred on mankind. Then why seek for a substitute to gratify a useless, expensive habit, if not an injurious one? We do not believe that nature designed that any man or woman should drink at meal time, from a half pint to a quart of hot water, impregnated with tea or coffee. - The human stomach would be better off with the cooling, refreshing beverage provided by nature - pure cold water. 

 Battle Creek Journal." 


March 11, 1862 JWe, ARSH 115